Sadhana- Deepening Your Yoga Practice 

Non-certification Intensive

Transform Your Lifestyle with Yoga & Ayurveda

This program is designed for students of any level of yoga ability, healthy and with ailments alike , who want to delve deeply into a Yogic and Ayurvedic lifestyle. Sadhana ( sanskrit for “spiritual practice”) is for those who want to become more serene and meditative, increase vitality and energy, and at the same time become more physically fit, by developing and nurturing practical and positive lifestyle skills.

For this intensive, we will commit to focusing on our health and well-being for 20 weeks. Our goal is to establish healthy lifestyle patterns that will last a lifetime.

Many have found that is has been difficult to carry forward into their lives the patterns established when they were on retreat at spas and ashrams. Through this program, this becomes possible, because students get the support they need to form new, more healthful habits in their current living environment. As we work together, we will learn more about ourselves through our practice, becoming more firmly attuned in a spiritual awareness that has physical and mental health at its foundation.

This program is a terrific preparation for those who are considering becoming Yoga teachers and holistic health care consultants. It is for those students who really want to understand the practice and philosophy of Yoga and Ayurveda.

Attendance can be applied to teacher training credit hours.


Comprehensive Support:

  • Initial personalized Ayurvedic consultation and Yogic evaluation

  • Scheduled monthly individual progress evaluations (5 sessions)

Unlimited Access:

  • Unlimited level-appropriate yoga classes for six months

Instruction and Education:

  • Meditation and pranayama guidance

  • Lectures 2x /month on Ayurvedic and Yogic philosophy and lifestyles

  • Anatomy and physiology for Yoga and Ayurveda (East and West), nutrition

  • Supplemental treatments and workshops may be recommended


$2000 | On Going Enrollment

  • Tuition includes: twice-monthly educational discussions, 6 individual consultations, unlimited classes for 5 months.

  • Books , materials , and supplemental treatments are not included.

  • Payment plans are available.

If Interested, reach out to us…